The Legend of Homer Deever lives on...
The Tribe acquired a small "class c" motor home in early 2007. We like
to name our stuff, and we named the camper Homer, (Motor
Homer). It's a relatively conservative 24.5 foot Gulf Stream
Independence. It is small, but we like the closeness. We have
tried to go camping as often as possible since we got it. Homer's also
small enough to use for general traveling when you're not camping.
We're driving it to Florida this year because there are seven of us plus
luggage and everything else you can imagine. Having access to the
bathroom and the kitchen alone will save us enough to pay the difference in
gas.We have a goal of someday
upgrading to a larger RV, one with a bed for everyone (bunks), and a bit
more living area. All we have to do is pick the correct lottery number
just once.
NOTE: Actually the RV's name is inspired by
Homer Deever, a person I once met briefly many years ago. I really didn't
know him, but I loved his name. We sometimes use Homer Deever when
putting our names down at a restaurant or making reservations. We love
to hear them call the name out over the PA. No one else gets it, but
we're all over in the corner giggling about it. Perhaps some people
look at us and think, "that poor man, who would name his child Homer Deever".